Real Estate in Metro

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

Today's Challenge: One Week Facebook Blackout

This is the first part of a little challenge I've set myself for 2012. I've challenged myself to quit facebook for just a week. To discontinue sharing content and stories with my friends and to be no longer updated on whats happening on my news feed somehow terrifies me but I guess this is even bigger sign that I should try it.

I've realized that Facebook really takes up a good chunk of my day. The past few weeks I've wasted so much hours of good time on Facebook. Even when I'd started doing productive work, I kept shifting back to Facebook and wasting more of my time. And I'm not that strong to resist temptation on my own so to stop this overcoming Facebook addiction I had to personally blocked my access to Facebook. (Ofcourse I can bring it back but I have to deliberately unblock the site first)

The concept of doing this freak me out, its a torture for me, really! But I know it needs to happen. And I have to. First for me to accomplish more in my work in less time, second to take some time to be "still", third to prove to myself that I could still comfortably live without Facebook and lastly to overcome this kind of temptations.

Yes! Its a challenge for me. I have blocked my access already just today but will officially marked my calendar on the 6th of January that's friday 'til January 11 for a week of Facebook blackout. Wish me luck! Will keep you posted on my progress by next week!


  1. I like this challenge. Were you successful ? :)

  2. Hi Claire, unfortunately on the 5th day, I failed :( Sad to say but I can't really resist not checking those posts tagged with my name.

  3. Sorry to hear you failed :-(. If you need some tips/ inspiration for next time, feel free to stop by my blog. I am completely off Facebook. It took some time to do it successfully. If you're looking for a short break, maybe you'll find something on it useful :-).

  4. Hi Steph, I have visited your blog, and your post challenged me to take this to the next level. Although I have no plans to deactive my fb account, but will consider of setting myself a minimimal time for facebooking. thanks steph! :)
