Real Estate in Metro

Thursday, September 29, 2011

See How Easily You Can Add Cute Emoticons on Blogspot

See How Easily You Can Add Cute Emoticons on BlogspotIf you read some of the posts on "Random thoughts", you will notice that I use "cutey emoticons" at times.

And to add emoticons on blogger's post, here's how:

STEP 1:   Log into your Blogger account.
STEP 2:   Once you've signed in to Blogger, you'll see your dashboard.
STEP 3:   Click "Design" (formerly "Layout").
STEP 4:   Click "Edit HTML". 

Paste this code <script src="" type="text/javascript"/> just above </head> (see sample below).  

Press CTRL+F and type </head> to find it quickly.

Please take note that in order to these emoticons apply in your blog post, there should be 'no spaces in between the characters'.

: ): P
: D:-D: ) )
= ) )=)= D >

Isn't they're Cute??

/ wa ha ha / hi hi
/ o m g/ n o
/ dig nose/ s w e a t
/ s h o c k/ f l o o r
/ h m m/ X D
/ b l u r/ b l u s h
/ no big deal/ p l e a s e
/ b y e

Rock on! /XD


  1. so cute /XD
    I have my own smiley but it won't show in the posts, it just appears in the comments..
    do you know what's the problem?

  2. Hello Scherzo, can you send me the sample link so I could take a look at? thanks, Jek :)

  3. it did'nt worked help me please my blog

  4. hello syed, PM sent! thanks!

  5. i have a question, are those all the shortcuts for the bigger emoticons? (not the yahoo ones) if not could you tell me where i could find out all the possible shortcuts?

    1. Hi Kris, don't have the source sorry :(
      though you might want to use the code that I used.

  6. the Emoticons are soo big, can you put little cute ones? like the ones from yahoo? and how do i add my own smileys

    1. the code that I used are also applicable for yahoo emoticons. See above post. all the best!
